(“One’s own Voice, the sound of the soul”)

The method we use in the Voice Workshop “One’s own Voice, the sound of the soul” is practical, fundamentally experiential and is based on different techniques, teachers and experiences that Alegría Cáceres has researched and learned for more than 15 years.
The Voice is undoubtedly a vehicle to manifest ourselves as beings. It is in all a human dimension, both physically and emotionally: being unique. Even though it responds to the behavior established by society and its conditions, placing it in a situation of deception, mask, artifice… Losing the true inimitable and individual vocal identity; repressing, blocking expression, creativity and the primordial, stopping its liberation. To counteract this we use vocal technique, through different methodological lines, exercises and mechanisms.
Group Work: Exercises of confidence.
The Root of the Voice: Consciousness of the natural cycle of breathing, energy and posture. Voice support.
Vocal Opening: Awareness of vocal vibration, diction, articulation, vocalization and resonators. Active relaxation to lose the fear of public speaking. Projection. Journey of the voice through the body and its different energetic points.
Expressive Voice: Release tensions to express organically, individually and in groups. Clarity of intention when we use our voice. Exercises with different written texts and songs. Exercises to reach the scream.
The vocal technique as a concrete element for the liberation of the own being through the voice. Improving the research of expression and creativity in different spaces and moments, in order to develop the real voice: deep, true, authentic, communicative, as an essential part of our existence.
“It is not a virtuous approach to the voice or the singing technique to develop aptitudes and abilities, but the central idea is to use vocal technique as a concrete element to favor the liberation of the self through the voice, helping the workshop participants individually and as a group to unblock and express themselves in a genuine way through their voice. As an essential, natural and organic tool of our being. This is workshop for anyone who wants to know their vocal abilities, being a path in which we can grow in every way.
A ventilated room, wide enough for 16 people, suitable for bodywork and with an adequate floor. It must be cleaned daily before each session. It must be private, with no view from the outside (glass, windows, etc.) and no mirrors. Bathrooms and dressing rooms. Mineral water and glasses. Laptop with USB reader. Participants must bring a written text of at least 10 lines.
Students must have 80% attendance to complete the course. There will be 10 minutes of tolerance from the initial schedule (for any involuntary delay), then no one will be allowed to enter the working space.
(“In Search of the own Clown, a way to oneself”.)

The big difference with the traditional buffoon is that the Clown does not try to make laugh, he tries to be himself. Laughter is only a consequence. The pleasure of the Clown is to show ourselves as we are, without censorship, without fears… to be ourselves: ridiculous, human and beautiful. The research is strictly personal, there is not a Clown that can be repeated, as there is not a human being alike to another. Each one has his own Clown with particular and individual characteristics.
Training for the Clown: attention, presence and availability in the scene.
Clown Condition: organic state where we do not act the clown, we simply are).
Clown thinking: guided by a personal clown logic, not by common sense.
Relationship with the audience.
To be oneself, to accept ourselves as we are and, in this way, to generate precise organic experiences that serve as concrete tools on the way to one’s own Clown.
A ventilated room, wide enough for 16 people, suitable for bodywork and with an adequate floor. It must be cleaned daily before each session. It must be private, with no view from the outside (glass, windows, etc.) and no mirrors. Bathrooms and dressing rooms. Mineral water and glasses. Laptop with USB reader.
A removable screen or curtain, at least 2 meters high and one and a half meters wide (it must be removable during the beginning of the session).
Students must have 80% attendance to complete the course. There will be 10 minutes of tolerance from the initial schedule (for any involuntary delay), then no one will be allowed to enter the working space.
(“Introduction to the Drama Universe”)
This is an initial Workshop for those who want to delve into the theatrical universe.
The actor and his body. Acting training.
The actor’s voice.
Basic principles of the Scene: Presence, Balance, Weight, Rhythm, Oppositions, Spatiality.
Expressivity: Extra-ordinary energy, organicity, imagination and improvisation.
To provide participants with a genuine and experiential experience in relation to the theatrical universe, through their own body, their own emotions, their own imagination and sensibility that holistically shape it as an expressive instrument for creation.